When I asked the yard in Travemunde, Germany whether it snowed much there in winter I was told "normally we get a few centimeters but it never lasts long". Looks like this year is not so normal! The yard staff inspect the boat daily and have confirmed the central heating system on board (which is set to keep the temperature on board at not less than 2 degC ) is working well. This should ensure that nothing on board (especially pipes full of water) freezes up and potentially gets damaged. The lack of snow on the wheelhouse roof is likely due to the heated on board temperature.

Hi noakey
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The heating system on board is a Kabola HR500Combi. http://kabolaheaters.nl/en/category/hr-serie-combi-en/ The system runs on diesel and is identical to diesel central heating systems installed in buildings typical in cold climates. A boiler tank is automatically maintained at a temperature of about 80C and a small circulation pump moves hot water throughout the boat in a sealed and slightly pressurised system to wall mounted radiators. Each radiator is fitted with a room thermostat which shuts the supply of hot water to the radiator off and on to maintain the desired room temperature. During the winter when the…
What's your heating system that can keep going like that all winter?
Hi I am planning to do a trip with my boat can i ask you question in private ? thanks